Wednesday, January 30, 2013

 Footprint Activity

I have discovered a fun art project that is sure to get children excited. This assignment incorporates using three art based tools to create a story of ones life, on an outline of their footprint. I used acrylics, colored pencils, and oil pastels, but children are free to use whatever is available.

Have the student think about things they want to share with the class that define who they are, these ideas can then be turned into smaller image ideas that can be pieced together on the footprint. My footprint listed below for example uses lots of imagery to guide you through my life story. The cross at the bottom of my foot represents my faith, the musical notes and drum represent my love for music. Moving into the middle of my foot the Chicago skyline represents the many mission trips that have changed my life and have helped me to grow spiritually. The campfire at the top of my foot along with the mountains and scenic landscape represents camp and my love for nature. This is one example of approaching this fun activity!

This footprint activity could be integrated to include a narrower focus, such as illustrating the things you love the most in life, or strictly limiting the activity to hobbies. The activity could also be change to include the outline of a hand instead of a foot. The possibilities are endless!

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