Monday, April 29, 2013

Eric Carle Tissue Paper Art

Eric Carle is famous for his masterful collages, loved by children! His story, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is an example of his work. This project explored Eric Carle's strategy in creating collages. We began by painting two pieces of construction paper with unique blends of colors creating many different colors and textures to choose from. When the paper was dried we cut shapes out of the construction paper to assemble our own collages. Students would share what they hadn't used providing a wide variety of colors/textures to choose from. The idea of this collage was to create a page out of a story, we were required to write something adding dialogue to our picture when we were finished.

Extension Activities
Tying art into writing activities gives students a chance to be expressive with their art, and their writing. Students could write a short story about, or tied to their collage, or students could create an entire book throughout the year. This type of activity would be incredibly beneficial to students especially in 1st or 2nd grade.

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