Monday, April 29, 2013

Picasso Faces (Modern Art)

For our project we explored what modern art was when Picasso was an artist. We also looked into cubism, the first form of modern art.

We created a Picasso face using cubism as an abstract guide for the faces. The first step involved rolling out a slab of clay, and then cutting out a unique shape for the face. We then divided this face into four sections and created a different pattern/texture in each area of the face using a variety of different tools. Using the excess clay we then created eyes, nose, and mouth and using scoring and slipping added them to the face. Next we added a hole at the top of the face (Note that for display purposes it's best for the hole to be somewhat large) and smoothed out the rough edges of the face. Finally the face is painted with black tempera paint and left to dry for a few days. When face is revisited a different color is added to each section of the face, and the eyes, nose, and mouth are painted different colors as well.

With this project we explored scoring, slipping, line, shape, texture, modern art, and cubism.

These are pictures of our finished display...

Extension Activity
Students could define what modern means in today's world. Each student could find something new/radical that could be defined as modern. Students could then write a paragraph on how they see what they found as being modern.

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